Health Risks In Drinking Water From an Unclean Water Tanks

How long has passed since you last checked on your water tank? It might stay in your brain until there is a problem, but ignoring it puts you and your family in great danger. What do you think happens next if the water from the dirty tank contains harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, and bad chemicals? Illnesses, discomfort, and even potentially life-threatening diseases. In this article, AfinityMS, your trusted cleaning agency, shall light up the hidden dangers of unclean water tanks and guide you on the required steps for safe water.

Unclean Water Tanks

Why Clean Water Matters

Water is the basic element of life, and the cleanliness of water keeps us healthy. It quenches thirst, keeps bodies working perfectly at their best, and much more. But what happens when the water we drink isn’t clean enough? While municipalities often provide treated water in facilities, usually left within the confines of our residence, your water tank, if not properly maintained, will turn into a breeding ground for contaminants that can seriously harm your health.

How Water Tanks Contaminate

The water tank feeding your home may appear crystal clear on the outside, but things can deteriorate fast inside it. Several factors contribute to contamination:

Sediment Buildup: As time progresses, minerals and dirt deposited at the bottom of your water tank become a sanctuary for bacteria.

Algae: Water tanks that are exposed to sunlight may experience algae bloom. Regardless of whether it is usually toxic, algae do degrade the quality of the water in question.

Bacterial Growth: E. coli and Legionella are adverse bacteria that grow and flourish unless disinfections are routinely conducted on the tanks.

A tiny hole in your water tank can let birds, mice, or bugs in, bringing germs that dirty the water.

Health Effects of Contaminated Drinking Water

If water tanks aren’t checked, they can become a place where harmful germs grow, leading to serious sickness

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Diarrhea easily causes dehydration not only in children but also in the elderly.

Abdominal pain: It is a symptom showing that something is trying to flush out the harmful germs in your body.

Vomiting: For instance, Norovirus often comes from unclean water, which causes more fluids to leave the body by vomiting.

Legionnaires' Disease:

Legionella pneumonia is one of the causes of a particular type of respiratory infection due to the Legionella bacterium. The bacterium causing this disease can flourish only in warm and stagnant water. You can easily become a victim of this disease by using the simplest shower in your house when inhaling droplets carrying infected pathogens. Severe medical care is necessary since this disease is fatal if not given prompt attention.

Hepatitis A:

This liver infection is very serious and can be caused by contaminated water exposure to the Hepatitis A virus. Common symptoms of this infection include jaundice, fatigue, and discomfort in the abdomen, especially if the water supply exposes it to sewage or animal waste.

Parasitic Infections:

Protozoa Giardia and Cryptosporidium are normally found in untreated or stored water in unsatisfactory conditions. Chronic diarrhea, malnutrition, and weight loss, especially in children, are among the various diseases they cause.

The Long-Term Effects of Contaminated Water

The immediate symptom is quite alarming, but repeated exposure to contaminated water poses a risk to severe and chronic health issues such as

Long-term Health Problems: The immune system may gradually be impaired by constant exposure to injurious bacteria and chemicals in dirty water.

Heavy Metal Poisoning: Chemicals like lead or cadmium leach from rusty tanks. They slowly poison the people or their children through long-term consumption, leading to neurological problems, developmental issues with the children, or even cancer.

Kidney Damage: Chemical and heavy metal contamination are known to stress the kidneys, which can lead to prolonged reduced functioning of the kidneys.

How To Avoid These Problems

Keep Your Water Tank Clean:

Thankfully, protection against this dreadful health illness is not a big deal if you properly care for your clean water tank. AfinityMS offers specialized cleaning services to ensure your water supply is safe and pure. Here are some steps you could take.

Schedule Regular Cleaning:

In your water tank, make sure you clean it at least once a year and more frequently if you live in a filthier and more polluted region; you may clean your water tank every six months. When cleaning your water tank, scrub its walls and disinfect it while cleaning all the dirty water.

Use a Secure Tank Cover:

Ensure your tank is well covered so as not to allow any insects, animals, or debris to come in. Always inspect for cracks or breakages on the cover of the tank.

Test for the Quality of Water:

Install a filter or water purification system so that even the remaining contaminants are removed when you get water at your tap. Conduct frequent tests for bacteria or chemicals if you sense any variation in the taste and smell.

Do not let the water stagnate:

Use your water supply regularly so that it does not sit stagnant. If you’re going away for some time, you may drain and refill the tank for freshness.

Contact Us

On AfinityMS, we acknowledge the need for clean water to maintain your family’s health. Our expert cleaning services ensure your water tank is adequately cleaned and safe to use, preventing you and your loved ones from health dangers. Call to schedule service or learn more about how to get our assistance in protecting your water supply today!

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